Advokat Attorney Aksana Cetiner logo

Aksana Cetiner is an experienced Danish lawyer specialising in family law, criminal law, immigration law, bankruptcy quarantine and litigation. She practices in Denmark and is a member of the Danish Bar Association - Advokatsamfundet.

During her professional career, Aksana has worked on hundreds of cases, including complex international and high profile cases. Before opening her own law practice, she worked at NJORD Law Firm, advised the Danish Refugee Council and Amnesty International. Aksana holds a Master of Laws degree (LL.M) from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and Riga Graduate School of Law in Latvia.

Aksana works with clients in danish, latvian, russian, english and turkish language.

Practice areas

family law - criminal law - immigration law - litigation - bankruptcy quarantine - legal advice

Family Law

Family law cases are child centred, and an attorney does everything possible to ensure the best possible resolution for you and your child.

Depending on your economic situation, it is possible to get a free trial in family court. This means that the state pays for your attorney's services.

Criminal Law

Criminal law covers criminal offences ranging from traffic offences to burglary and violence/homicide.

You have the right to request that your lawyer be present in court or at the police station, and it is up to you to decide who you want as your defence counsel.

The lawyer's services are initially paid for by the state and only if the court finds you guilty will the state request reimbursement of the costs of your case.

Immigration Law

If you are planning a short or long term stay in Denmark, especially in the case of marriage or employment, you may need advice from an expert in immigration law.

If you are a refugee and your application for asylum in Denmark has been refused, you are entitled to a free case management process at the Refugee Appeals Board.


Attorney Aksana Cetiner specialises in litigation. Aksana has experience in courts across the country, so she knows what it takes to win your case.

Bankruptcy Quarantine

If your company is going through bankruptcy proceedings in Denmark and you, as a manager, are facing a ban from holding a managerial position or otherwise participating in the management of any legal entity, a lawyer will take your case and represent you in court. This service is primarily paid for by the state.

Legal advice

The cost of legal advice is 3.000 DKK.

AC Legal Advokatfirma ApS er organiseret som anpartsselskab med CVR nr. 44 19 66 97. Alle advokater i AC Legal Advokatfirma ApS er beskikket af Justitsministeriet i Danmark og er en del af Advokatsamfundet.


AC Legal Advokatfirma ApS har tegnet advokatansvarsforsikring og garantiordning i forsikringsselskabet Tryg efter de af Advokatsamfundet fastsatte regler. Ansvarsforsikringen dækker al advokatvirksomhed, uanset, hvor advokatvirksomheden udøves. Forsikringsdækningens maksimum for formueskade er 2.500.000 kr. Vores ansvar er begrænset til dette beløb.


AC Legal Advokatfirma ApS har klientbankkonto i Arbejdernes Landsbank - kontonummer 5442 - 0311634.


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